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Command Menu (CMDK)

Reusable Command Menu for React. Based on CMDK.


🌟 This component is made with the package called CMDK.

import { CommandMenu } from "@superui/styles";
import "@superui/styles/dist/styles/main.css";


This module should be placed where you want the menu to appear.

For example, in Next.js you can place it at app.js to make it appear in the whole app.

import { CommandMenu } from "@superui/styles";
import "@superui/styles/dist/styles/main.css";

const data = [...];

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
      <CommandMenu data={data} />
      <Component {...pageProps} />

Data Structure

In the data array you can place all the items you want to show in the menu.

const data = [
    heading: "Example Heading", // This is the name of the group
    items: [
        name: "Example Item", // This is the name of the item
        onSelect: () => {
          // Function to call when the item is selected
          console.log("Example Label clicked");
        icon: <ExampleIcon />, // This is the icon to show next to the item
        type: "Component", // This is the label of the item.